In the changing world of fitness, where being fashionable goes hand in hand with the gym nowadays presents itself as something other than where just workouts are performed. Things will be different as wearable items which at the …
In the changing world of fitness, where being fashionable goes hand in hand with the gym nowadays presents itself as something other than where just workouts are performed. Things will be different as wearable items which at the …
Baru-baru ni ayah Nur diuji nikmat kesihatannya. Tiba-tiba tiada selera makan, pening kepala dan banyak melepek (terbaring). Bukan seperti ayah yang biasa. Maka, ke hospital lah jawabnya dan pakar ENT mengesahkan ayah ada 'ri…
Kes Covid mencanak naik lagi. Tapi tak macam tahun-tahun sebelum ni, sekarang masyarakat Malaysia lebih relaks dengan berita kenaikan kes Covid. Mungkin sedikit sebanyak kita sudah 'imun' dengan penyakit berjangkit yang s…